Blog #8

     While working on the wed design I acquired some new schools, I learned how to make a website, make a google calendar, and add pictures to a website. The design principles I used when making my website were CRAP. I made sure my website was easy to read and had a simple yet intriguing design to it. For example, my home page was very simple and easy to look at. It included pictures of VPK which attracted my audience and had a clean look to it. All of my subheading for my website included a header I designed myself which I liked a-lot because it attracted my audience. I can use my website design skills in my future career because I will end up having to make one once I am a teacher, its important that parents have a way to contact you and see what their child will be learning in school. ( )

    I tend to use some what of AI each week, I use AI to help me understand passages and help with math problems that I do not understand. When doing math homework, AI helps explain the problem to me in simpler terms helping me better understand the concept. I am motivated to use AI. I am motivated to use AI because its a helpful tool when it comes to learning, but I do not condone cheating using AI because that is not right and can get you in a lot of trouble.

    I have had a good experience using Chat Gpt in the classroom. Its an easy way to find information instead of searching the whole internet for it. But sometimes, I feel like, AI can be unreliable because it's a new thing. Google has been around for almost about 50 years and no one has a problem with it. I learned that AI chatbots can only tell you so much, and they do not appreciate harsh things. For example, I asked it to inform me about elephant poaching and it said it can't do that because its bad. I would address the risks of AI chatbots with my students by telling them be careful what they look up.

    I believe that AI tools can and cannot increase productivity. One way it can increase productivity it by helping you get a starting point on your assignment, like if you needed to write an essay. It can give you essay topics to write about. But one way it cannot increase productivity is by it giving you all of the answers to your homework and projects. You shouldn't ask AI to write your essay for you or for it to do your homework. I will use it to help me with my teaching ways by maybe asking it to give me ideas for lesson plans if I couldn't find one on google. 



  1. Hey Sofia, WOW! What a great blog! I thought your design and the whole layout of the blog was beautiful and really adhered to the design principles we learned in class. I enjoyed most how you put things such as "spelling words" for the week, and also upcoming holidays such as "labor day", i felt this was a fun addition to your blog and made the overall design of it very cute and great to look at.

  2. Hi Sofia :) I really like all the information you provided on your website for both parents and students. Makes my website look lacking haha. I also really like the academic games you included, great idea!


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