Blog #4

     ELA Standards Technology means English Language Arts. ELA provides schools with a roadmap to guide testing and teaching the foundation of knowledge and skills needed to become a full literate adult. I chose grades PreK to 12 and I chose Basic Skills In Reading-K-2. This course is for students struggling to read and write about what they learning during the core instructions. Teachers help students practice and give students feedback on their work and progress. I do feel prepared to implement this standard based on my current skill set because last year I worked with preschoolers and would help them read and write. I know I choose K-2 reading but I don't think it'll be more difficult than working with preschoolers. 

    I chose the people at my school Part 1, in this lesson students will interview their teachers as a school authority figure. Students will practice asking relevant questions focused on their teacher’s responsibilities as a school authority figure. Students will then draw a picture and add a label, writing or dictation of information about their teacher’s responsibilities at school.  I also chose Name that word, in this lesson students will learn how to identify nouns and verbs using the story Nouns and Verbs Have a Field Day by Robin Pulver and participate in several structured and independent activities. These resources can be used in my teaching because it will help my students get comfortable interviewing and asking people questions, also help with their writing and dictations on information. The other lesson will help the students identify their nouns and verbs will using a fun story. 

    It is important to become a proficient internet searcher as a teacher because it can help guide students in terms of accessing information resources and using the most reliable resources. They need a working knowledge of internet searching, reading, and evaluating skills. The best internet searching skill would be looking up on how something is done. There was not a searching tool that I didn't know about before in the past. 


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