Blog Journal #2

     All throughout school Ive never really used MS word, only know being in FSU have I started to use it. I personally prefer Google Doc over MS Word because growing up thats what I was taught to use. I prefer Google Docs over any other writing website because it's easy to navigate and has a lot of tools not making it too complicated to use. 

    The ISTE standard that was most meaningful to me was Leader. I believe it's important to be a leader in the classroom when teaching and when even a student I learned that being a leader can improve the teaching and learning throughout the classroom. I also thought that the Learner was also important. The learner promises practices that leverage technology to boost students learning. 

    I do agree with the label digital native for todays youth but only to a certain extent. What it means to be a digital native is that you were born with technology at the tips of your hands and have always been surrounded by it. I have seen some differences on how teachers act around technology compared to kids my age. They clearly aren't used to this technology because they weren't born with it like how I was. I know that in the future new technology will be created and I will be just like the teachers now that don't really know how to use technology. 


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